The chill of the sky
The color of night
The promise of life
Is too much to hide your glow
I can hear you drift from a place that I can reach
I wanna see your feet, want to feel you dream, I just wanna believe
That this is your time, and I am involved to push you on and on
That you can endure and passion won’t fade - Don’t stop to watch it slide by
The lighter the step, the heavier the fall will be
You gotta press your fate, gotta live today, you just gotta believe
That you make your life, and they try to put you down and out for good
But you must forget, of what they say - Don’t slip away from your mind
Have you forgotten who you are
I fire out to watch your face
You’re not alone lean on your heart
You stand alone and steal each day
Solo (over chorus chords)
I want to keep you from pain – I wanna hold you close to light
I know you can fight - I know you can lean - You just gotta believe
That I am your friend, and we can live fresh - it can go on and on and on
But I can’t forget the days you are scared, don’t strip belief from your mind
Words and Music: Mark Wright and David Caron
Copyright 2005 Rockola Music Co. All Rights Reserved